Thursday, May 11, 2006

Back to work and HAPPY about it...

The strike is over and all the teachers are back to work--thank goodness. Negotiations ended Tues night at midnight and we returned Wed am. I have never been so glad to be working. I really did miss teaching and the strike experience and stress related to it is something I hope I never have to do again.

I just read my bothers two bloggs and it is a wonder that people ever get anything done...Everyone is so busy these you think that runs in our family?

The baby is doing fine. Besides using my bladder as a trampoline and trying to scratch its way out...he is doing fine. I have to take pee breaks in the middle of class, in the middle of practices, and in the middle of games. It is always fun to see a pregnant lady running for the bathroom, or port-a-pottie as luck might have it.

I placed pictures of my babies right now...Reese up top with her stuffed pig which used to OINK until she ate the device, and Nala and Vin resting on the sofa...spoiled doggies and husband. BUT got to LOVE them all.

1 comment:

Pete Codella said...

Glad to see you Vermonsters are still alive. Happy mother's day. We were going to call, but you're no doubt unconscious in bed by now. That is unless you're in the bathroom or port-o-poddy!