Wednesday, March 22, 2006

No News is Good Gnews...

Okay, not much happening here on the home or baby front. All things are full speed ahead which is what they always seem to be.

Vin saw the doctor about his leg and found out that the rupture in his muscle fascia will stay that way, if not start to expand over time. If it becomes a problem he will have to get it operated on. So sign up a Faraci for another surgery...We seem to keep the OR in business. :)

I am doing great. My belie is sticking out and my belie button seems to want to join it! My first round of prego shirts are getting tight and I am feeling pregnant now. The baby kicks and squirms all the time, and even woke me up the other night with an OUCH...Vin asked is I was okay and then laughed at me.

I had a funny thing happen last night....I had a JSC athlete of mine drop off a baby gift--so cute--a snuggle blanket and outfit/bib...So cute! I opened up the blanket and dropped it with a screech....

(Now you might be wondering why did I drop it....Well those of you who know me closely know that I can't stand the touch of cotton...It squeaks and feels funny...Gives me the willies...UGH...Creepy crawlies, shivers. HOWEVER...Did you notice that all baby material is made of very soft, squishy, cotton!!! So I am having major issues with touching it.)

Back to the story...So as I dropped the blaket and squealed, my dogs attacked the blanket...NICE eh. Nala went right after the blanket and started pulling on it. Vin had to pull it away from them because I could not. Needless to say, no I have to desensitizing the dogs and make sure they don't attack when I have that reaction. I also have to work on my reaction to cotton, or I will be holding the baby and all the fuzzy, fluffy stuff with rubber gloves...
I know what you are thinking...Major OCD...I know...I am weird.

Anyway...It was funny, and the only fun story to tell about the baby...

AS Garry Gneu said: "No Gnews is Good Gnews"

1 comment:

Pete Codella said...

Ang, get over it! You'll just have to get used to cotton and soft, fluffy things. Think of all the cotton balls that gave their life for your comfort.