Wednesday, March 22, 2006

No News is Good Gnews...

Okay, not much happening here on the home or baby front. All things are full speed ahead which is what they always seem to be.

Vin saw the doctor about his leg and found out that the rupture in his muscle fascia will stay that way, if not start to expand over time. If it becomes a problem he will have to get it operated on. So sign up a Faraci for another surgery...We seem to keep the OR in business. :)

I am doing great. My belie is sticking out and my belie button seems to want to join it! My first round of prego shirts are getting tight and I am feeling pregnant now. The baby kicks and squirms all the time, and even woke me up the other night with an OUCH...Vin asked is I was okay and then laughed at me.

I had a funny thing happen last night....I had a JSC athlete of mine drop off a baby gift--so cute--a snuggle blanket and outfit/bib...So cute! I opened up the blanket and dropped it with a screech....

(Now you might be wondering why did I drop it....Well those of you who know me closely know that I can't stand the touch of cotton...It squeaks and feels funny...Gives me the willies...UGH...Creepy crawlies, shivers. HOWEVER...Did you notice that all baby material is made of very soft, squishy, cotton!!! So I am having major issues with touching it.)

Back to the story...So as I dropped the blaket and squealed, my dogs attacked the blanket...NICE eh. Nala went right after the blanket and started pulling on it. Vin had to pull it away from them because I could not. Needless to say, no I have to desensitizing the dogs and make sure they don't attack when I have that reaction. I also have to work on my reaction to cotton, or I will be holding the baby and all the fuzzy, fluffy stuff with rubber gloves...
I know what you are thinking...Major OCD...I know...I am weird.

Anyway...It was funny, and the only fun story to tell about the baby...

AS Garry Gneu said: "No Gnews is Good Gnews"

Saturday, March 11, 2006

There's an alien in my leg!!!!!! (Vin)

Hi everyone this is Vin, Angie asked me to add a post to the blog about what is going on with me.
So last weeekend we got probably our biggest snow storm of the year in N. VT. Smuggs got close to 20 inches!! Needless to say I skied the whole day. In spots the snow was well over knee deep close to mid-thigh deep. For those of you that aren't skiers, that is a good thing. It would look something like this . That's me, for those of you that can't tell what I look like in my ski gear.

On Sunday I went to Jay Peak to ski with some friends. Jay Peak has the reputation for having the most snow of any east coast resort and they did not disappoint on Sunday. What was knee to thigh deep at Smuggs, was nearly waist deep at Jay. But on my second run of the morning as I was skiing in a gladed area (trees) I hit a submerged tree branch just above the top of my ski boot. OUCH!!! Had it been a 1/2 inch lower it would have hit my boot and not been a problem. But alas it was not. For about a half second or so I thought I broke my leg. I heard a snap, which turned out to be the tree branch breaking and some fairly intense pain where it hit. I just kind of lay there for a few minutes to let the pain pass before I moved. I also ended up in a tree well at the base of a pine tree and had to kind of dig my way out of that before I could get up. That is part of the stick in the right of the pic.

After finally getting out of the tree well and getting my skis back on and taking a few more minutes to collect myself from the injury we skied on for a few more runs until lunch. I really couldn't ski very well since any pressure on the front of my shin hurt pretty badly but the snow was sooooo deep that I did not want to stop so I suffered though another 3 or 4 runs. At lunch I was finally able to get a look at my leg and assess the damage. I was not surprised to find a sizable lump on my shin form the impact. After seeing that I called it quits and went home.

It has now been almost a week and the lump is somewhat smaller but is still there. I actually think that I may have rutputed the covering of the muscle (fascia). I can kind of stick my finger tip into the front of my leg where it should be firm. I can also kind of feel the rim of the hole when I feel around. The hole is letting fluid kind of bubble out when I bear weight on the leg. Nice.

The orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Huber, for my teams at JSC visits us on Tuesday so I'll see what he has to say about it then. He is the doc that did surgery on my ankle 2 summers ago and was going to do surgery on Angie's knee before we found out about the pregnancy. The injury probably just a comsmetic kind of thing and the bulge may be there for a while until I decide if I want to have it fixed. It really isn't quite as bad as it looks now that the inital pain is gone.

So far it has not really interfered with my triathlon training. For those of you that do not know, I'm training for a 1/2 ironman distance triathlon in late June. (1.2 mi. swim/56 mi. bike/13.1 mi. run) I can swim and bike without pain as long as I keep some compression on the area but I have not tried to run yet. I'm waiting to see
Dr. Huber on Tuesday before I try running.

Anyway so that is what is new with me.


Friday, March 03, 2006

What is the baby's sex???

Okay, we had our ultrasound at the hospital yesterday am...and we found out what we are having...I know you are all excited to hear so I will keep the suspense up a bit longer, he he.

We got to see the baby's head, spine, kidney's, ribs, humerus, femur, arms, legs, feet, bladder, brain parts, heart...and we even got a picture of what the face looks like. (I will post when I get to work and can scan it in.) I tell you it was the coolest thing I have ever seen.

So as the nurse is looking around and showing us all of this on our baby she asked if we wanted to know the sex of the baby...we did so she told us: "You have a very active (it was moving around the whole time she was trying to take pictures) baby boy on the way." She showed us his "parts" and it was very evident he is a boy. But then the nurse claimed she could not be held responsible to that claim because if the parts fell off it would be a girl...I thought that was the funniest thing I have heard.

I think Vin was very happy and relieved that he was going to have a son, and not be outnumbered by all his "bitches" (the dogs and wife). Plus he said now we will definitely have a skier in the family because there is no way mom will be able to teach a boy to snowboard...Nice eh?

So we are very excited and looking for boy names now. We had the girl name, but not boy...Any suggestions we would love to hear.

Yesterday Mom and I spent the day shopping for baby furniture and picked out a crib and changing table...It was fun but also expensive. Lots yet to buy and I love to shop so this is fun!

The final doctors update is: we are expecting baby boy Faraci on July 18th. We will keep you posted...Thanks for reading!!!

The Stoweflake Spa

So here I am on school break and one of my friends suggests we go to the SPA to relax. That was the best idea I have ever heard...

We decided on the Stoweflake Resort and Spa in Stowe Vermont and it was HEAVEN! Actually the best day of "vacation" I have ever had. I chose the Maternity package which included a message, manicure and pedicure. I bought my mom an early mothers day package of facial, manicure and pedicure.

Here is how the day goes...You enter and check into the spa, change and wear a rob and slippers, then await your call for your appointment. While you wait you can enjoy the hot tub, sauna, steam room, mineral baths, or hydrotheropy waterfalls pool. It was so unbelievably beautiful and awesome. WE did everything! We even had a gourmet lunch at the poolside lounge. It was just the best day of doing nothing and getting papmered ever!

I have never had a message before so the entire time I was getting one I was trying to figure out how with all the years I played sports and was physically I NEVER had a message!!!

I highly recommend you visit the Stowflake resort and spa if you ever come to VT. It was such a great day...I could even be talked into going again if you need some company.