Vance is six months old--wow!
I just wanted to share some pictures and some thoughts with you today.
Hard to believe that my little guy is half a year.
Only goes to show how time really does fly by.
Three photos: Vance is with the dogs in his bouncer...this is an everyday occurrence. And Vance and mommy.
He has learned to roll from his back to his belly and today he just figured out how to go from his belly to his back.
So I call him a "floppy fish"...he just flops back and forth. It is very cool to see him reach his stages.
The dogs are doing great...Reese is healing and using her leg more often. They are very interested here because mom has cheese.
I am doing work--or trying to. I have a BUNCH of tournament work to do and typing for the soccer club. I decided to return to teaching in the fall and since that decision have been sleeping much better.
Vin is at work now and glad it is a Friday...enjoy the weekend every one!